To help you on your digital marketing journey, we have compiled 100 recent statistics for you to use in successfully developing your digital marketing strategy.
With every Google core update, there is a slight transition in practices within the digital marketing industry. As a result, digital marketing is dynamic in the sense that it is always evolving; what was effective ten years ago is not effective today. However, this is not only restricted to the digital marketing industry. To stay competitive in any business today, all business owners need to evolve their marketing strategy and shift toward modernity.
With Google’s algorithm updates constantly evolving, it is seemingly impossible to keep up. If you are not careful, digital strategy for the inexperienced can turn into a guessing game. The best course of action instead, is to learn as much as you can from industry insights, past or present case studies, and strategize your course of action around these.
To help you on your digital marketing journey, we have compiled 100 recent statistics for you to use in successfully developing your digital marketing strategy. We hope they guide you to what’s more important for your specific industry and can perhaps ‘trim the fat’ from some of the less effective areas of your digital strategy.
SEO Statistics
- High-quality Content Can Increase Your Blog Traffic by 2000 % (
We have all heard it; content is king. As a result, content is the cornerstone of most digital strategies. Ideally, the content on the website should be topic comprehensive, informative, and of high quality. Think about adding value. The quality of the content determines the type of traffic and the bounce rate a website would achieve. Producing high-quality content for your website users is the best strategy for your business as it organically spreads the reach of your website.
- 96% Of All Smartphone Search Traffic And 94% Of Overall Organic Traffic Originates from Google (
Google is the single largest player in the search traffic market, regulating 94% of the total organic search and 96% of the smartphone searches. You don’t need us to tell you your website must be well optimized for Google.
- Search Engines Drive 300% More Traffic than Social Media (
More Australian businesses are incorporating social media within their digital marketing strategy than ever before. Rightly so, as social media provides targeted traffic to their website who are familiar with their business. This being said; however, the emphasis should be on search engines as they generate several times more traffic.
- 84% of People Would Abandon their Shopping Cart if the Website Is Not HTTPS Secure (
Google has formally announced that HTTPS is a ranking signal factor they use in their algorithm. In addition to this, most browsers display the website as not being secure upon page load. Because of this, an SSL certificate is now a requirement for your website if you are selling products or handling the sensitive information of customers.
- 37% of Websites Around the World Use WordPress, but 33% are seriously outdated (
WordPress is the worlds most popular CMS platform sharing more than 62% of the total CMS market share. Some of the top websites around the world use WordPress, but surprisingly, a large number of WordPress websites provide outdated information with broken plugins.
- 65% Of Marketers, Link Building is the Most Difficult Aspect of SEO (
Developing a diverse backlink profile for a website poses the most difficult for a digital marketing professional. Creating quality content that users want to share is the most laborious, time-consuming element of SEO.
- Conversion Rate of SEO is 14.6% Compared to 1.7% for Cold-calling and Email (
If you are still deciding whether to implement SEO or go with an email marketing campaign, perhaps this can help you decide.
- SEO is 5.66 Times More Effective Than Paid Ads (
A lot of companies invest big money on paid ads, but the stats show that organic SEO is better than paid ads any day. 70-80% of surveyed search engine users avoid paid advertisements and move on to the organic results.
- SEO is the Highest Priority of 61% of Companies (
As the advantages of ranking high on Google are becoming more apparent, companies place a higher value on SEO. 61% of companies now consider SEO as their main marketing priority, while the remaining 39% want to incorporate an SEO strategy in the future.
- 53% of Content Consumption is Driven Through Organic Search(
Organic traffic generates more traffic than all the other sources combined such as paid ads, social media, etc.
Social Media Marketing Statistics
- Infographics are the Most Engaging Content on Social Media Shared 3X More than Any Other Type of Content (
Infographics are a new and attractive way of presenting your content to social media users who are more likely to ignore text-form content.
- With Six Hours a Week Invested in Social Media, 81% of Marketers Experienced an Increase in Traffic (
With a large user base accessible by social media platforms such as (Facebook – 2.41Billion monthly users, Instagram – 1Billion monthly users, LinkedIn – 303Million monthly users, Twitter – 330Million monthly users, Quora – 300Million monthly users) and their ability to generate traffic has made social media a key element of many marketing strategies.
- The Average Attention Span of People Online is 8 Seconds (
Over the past two decades, the average attention span of people has reduced from 12 seconds to 8 seconds. Even your average goldfish has an attention span of 9 seconds.
- 71% of People with Good Experience on Social Media with Brands are Likely to Recommend it to Others (
Social media is a great tool to engage existing customers and win new ones. Most brands that use social media regularly have witnessed an increase in leads and conversion.
- Facebook Ad Spend by Companies Grew from $2.26 Billion in 2020 to $2.9 Billion In 2021 (
The average monthly users of Facebook are growing every year allowing businesses to advertise their products to an increasing number of fresh users.
- Big Brands are Receiving an Engagement of 4.21% Per Follower on Instagram, which is 58 Times More Than Facebook and 120 Times Higher than Twitter (
Instagram has turned out to be a real powerhouse for engagement and interactions.
- Influencer Marketing could reach the $16.4 Billion Mark in 2022 (
With one billion-plus user’s on the platform, Instagram is one of the best platforms for influencer marketing.
- In Q1, 2018, Snapchat Witnessed a 234% Increase in Ad Spend (
This growth is unlike any seen before across social media and mobile platforms. Thus, making Snapchat a desirable platform for paid ads for your business.
- Every Month More than 2 Billion Messages are Exchanged Between Brands and Customers (
Personalisation is a growing trend. Businesses are using direct messaging as a tool to deliver personalised messages and experience to customers.
- Customers would Spend 20-40% More Money on Companies with a Social Media Presence (
Social media is essential regardless if you are a startup, SME, or a large multinational. With such a large number of social media users, it is highly likely your target audience use one or more social media platforms. Because of this, a social media presence is crucial to capture your customers.
- Posts longer than 1500 Words have 22.6% More Facebook Likes and 68.1% more Tweets (
This stat is correct for SEO as well; everyone loves comprehensive content on a topic. Your goal with anything should be to educate the user to the best extent.
- Imagery in Articles receives 94% More Views (
Appropriate visuals that go along the material makes the article or blog appear more attractive. Processing information also becomes comfortable with visuals.
- Infographics Help Grow Website Traffic by 12% (
Infographics are great for social media sharing, SEO, and driving traffic to your site. Infographics are a powerful tool to increase the conversion rate and build social relationships with your customers.
- 78% of Chief Marketing Officers believe Personalised Content is the Future (
Personalised content is the future of online marketing, you will see more of this in 2020 and into the future. This can increase traffic to your website and increase conversions.
Mobile Marketing Statistics
- 69% of Time Spent on Digital Media is on Mobile Devices (
With the popularity of smartphones, the number of people using the internet on a mobile device has increased. So much so that Google announced mobile-first indexing for the whole web.
- Mobile ad spending saw 23% year-over-year growth, reaching $295 billion in 2021 (
Mobile devices allow users to access the internet and social media from any location conveniently. Due to this, marketers put so much value on mobile ads.
- By 2022, Location Targeted Mobile Ad Spend is Expected to Grow to $38.7 Billion (
Native, programmatic advertising and remarketing will be popular marketing techniques in the future.
- 56.45% of All Searches Originate from Mobile Devices (
As emphasised earlier, people prefer mobile devices over desktop. Over the coming years, this trend will grow even further.
- Local Businesses Account for 88% of Mobile Searches (
People search online for advice on the products or services they are wanting to purchase. An outstanding mobile version of a website will give a local business the edge over their competition.
- 81% of Shoppers Check Online for Information About a Product Before Making a Purchase Decision (
Mobile devices play an essential role in lead capture and conversion. People use mobile devices to research products and services before making a purchase decision.
- 50.48% of total web traffic comes from mobile devices while desktop accounts for 46.51% (
Mobile traffic plays a crucial role in business. The rate of user growth is climbing drastically compared to desktop users. More people are using mobile devices than ever before so your website should be able to cater to them.
- The number of mobile devices worldwide is expected to reach 15.96 Billion in 2022 (
Another statistic reflecting the urgency of optimising your business website for mobile devices for business. To be successful in 2022, every online website should provide a mobile-friendly version.
- 81% of People Research About Products and Services on Smartphones before making a purchasing decision (
Smartphones have enabled us to use the internet in a new way. We now use smartphones to research brands, products, read reviews and testimonials on the go.
Content Marketing Statistics
- 71% of People hate Content that Sounds Like a Sales Pitch (
The primary objective of content marketing is to attract customers to the website. But in an attempt to drive traffic, some fail to provide enough value and by doing so, makes the content too sales oriented. The key is to equally balance information and sales.
- Ad-blocking Technology is Used by 615 Million Devices (
A large number of people use ad blockers which prevent websites from advertising through banner advertising, popups, etc. It is estimated that 11% of all internet users use ad blocks, significantly impacting the ad revenue of publisher websites.
- 40% of Customers want Brand Emails to be More Informative than Promotional (
On average, people check their inbox 74 times a day and when they do, they want to see informative content instead of promotional emails.
- 84% of People Want Brands to Generate more Content (
Customers want brand material to be highly informative and relevant. The content should add value to the lives of people and inform them about specifics they did not know before.
- 91% of Ad Spend Goes to Waste as People View it for Less Than A Second (
People do not like ads online and immediately skip over them if they have the option, resulting in approximately $38 Billion of wasted money on ads.
- It Takes 11.4 Pieces of Content to Motivate a Purchase Decision (
If you think a customer would read your blog and immediately make the decision to purchase, you are wrong. It takes a lot of time and content before the customer starts to trust your brand and make a purchase.
- 95% of B2B Customers Consider the Trustworthiness of Content When Researching a Company and its Products (
Content is essential for every business with a website; it’s the first point of interaction between your brand and the customers. Credible content allows you to build credibility with the customers.
- 75% of Customers Expect Consistency in Experience (
Machine learning and Artificial intelligence can help businesses provide consistency across various platforms where they engage with customers.
- 70-80% of Users Prefer Organic Search Results over Paid Ads (
This is the reason why companies need to focus so much on SEO. To be successful in 2022, you need to rank across a range of different keywords in organic search; this will increase the traffic to your website and subsequently your conversions.
- 88% of B2B Marketers Claim Content as an Essential Part of Marketing (
Content offers a wide range of benefits for business from SEO, visibility, to improving the credibility of the brand. It also provides customers with adequate information to better understand the product and services of the business before making a purchase decision.
Email Marketing Statistics
- 41.6% of Email Opens Happen Using Mobile Clients (
Mobile clients account for the largest percentage of email opens followed by webmail which stands at 40.6% and desktop at 16.2%.
- For Every Dollar Spent on Email Marketing It Yields $42 (
Undoubtedly, email marketing is one of the oldest forms of marketing and still very strong in 2022. It provides the most return compared to any other marketing technique. With email marketing, you also have the opportunity to follow-up to grow sales.
- Number of Email Users is Expected to Grow to 4.2 Billion by 2022 (
One would imagine that due to the popularity of social media, the communication between brands and customers through email would decline, but that is not the case.
- 333.2 Billion Emails Are Sent and Received Every Day in 2022 (
By the end of 2025, this figure is expected to grow to 376 Billion emails per day. This statistic shows the importance and popularity of emails.
- Email Marketing Was Valued At $7.5 Billion In 2020 and Expected To Increase to $17.9 Billion By 2027 (
Email offers a personalised experience, relevance, and benefits that make this one of the most desired marketing technique by businesses. However, email marketing requires a large investment which reflects the increase in spending.
- Email Marketing ROI is 122% Higher than Other Marketing Techniques (
Email marketing can customers from one stage to the other quicker than other marketing techniques such as content marketing, paid ads, or video creation. This is because you can easily facilitate a conversion with links, resources and content tailored directly to the customer you are messaging.
- 86% of Professionals Prefer Email as their Primary Form of Business Communication (
As mentioned earlier, there are so many other forms of communication, but email is still the most common which will remain like this for 2022.
- 89% of Marketers Rely On Email as their Primary Lead Generation Tool (
Email marketing is one of the most result-driven digital marketing techniques, and a large percentage of marketers rely on email marketing for lead generation and conversions.
- 78% of People Unsubscribe from a Mailing List Due to Excessive Emails (
Too many emails might irritate the customer and prompt them to unsubscribe from the mailing list. 78% of customers opt-out of the mailing list of business due to too many emails. Personalised emails can help you avoid this problem. If you aim at providing value to the customers instead of promotion, you can avoid people unsubscribing from the mailing list.
- 80.3% of Email Receivers Delete the Email If It’s Not Optimised for Mobile Devices (
With the popularity of smartphones, a large number of people check their emails using mobile devices. An email that is not optimised for mobile will not display all the elements correctly, and the appearance of the email will be partial. This leads to 80.3% of people deleting the email.
- 3 out of 10 Customers Unsubscribe If the Email is Not Mobile Responsive (
For an effective email marketing campaign, the emails you send to customers must be optimised for mobile. According to this statistic, every time you send an optimised email to 10 customers, three opt-out of the email list. This is not an issue if all the emails you send are static HTML.
- Segmented Campaigns Provide a 760% Increase in Revenue (
Dividing your customer list into various segments based on age, interest, location, gender, and serving them tailored content offers better engagement than sending a blanket email.
- Segmented Campaigns Deliver 100.95% More Clicks and 14.31% More Opens (
Although developing tailored content for your customer list takes time, it does produce more relevancy for your recipient. By doing so, it gets you 100.95% more clicks and 14.31% more opens.
- 51% of Marketers Consider Segmentation as a Personalisation Technique (
In an attempt to drive more effective email marketing campaigns, 51% of marketers consider segmentation as a personalisation technique. Personalisation allows you to deliver more relevant content to email recipients.
- Trigger Emails Perform 8X More Than Bulk Emails (
Triggered emails have an open rate of 45.70%, and click-through of 10.75%. There is a significant increase in the open rate and revenue when we compare triggered an email with regular bulk email. The unsubscribing and spam rate of the trigger email is considerably low at 0.58%.
- Personalised Subject Lines Get 62% Opens (
72% of customers open emails for discounts, whereas, a personalised subject line enables 62% opens.
- 47% of Emails are Opened Due to the Subject Line (
A great subject line is the most important element of any email marketing campaign. Based on the subject line, 47% of email recipients decide whether to open the email or not.
- 69% of Customers Report Emails as Spam Based on the Subject Line (
The subject line is the first message all recipients receive. If it’s generically promotional, users can mark it as spam even before opening the email.
Blogging Statistics
- The Average Length of most Top 10 Pages is 2000 Words (
Gone are the days when a 500-word blog could get you ranking at the top of the SERPs. Nowadays, Google prefers comprehensive, all-inclusive content that provides the most value to readers.
- Having an image in your blog gets 94% more views than blogs that are text only (
There are plenty of statistics that show that images, videos, and infographics get more engagement than the text. But, that does not mean text is not valuable; it has its place. Combining text with an image that complements your topic can get 94% more views.
- Videos within a blog post will get 157% more organic traffic (
Users are more likely to remember a video than a piece of text. This year in a move to promote video content, Google is increasingly favouring video content on websites.
- 80% of popular Blogs use newsletters to reintroduce their content (
Newsletters are essential for blogs; they allow you to inform readers about not only new blog posts, but you also have the opportunity to promote already written content. For the newsletter to be effective, they should be marketed considering the preferences of the audience.
- On average, people spend 37 seconds on a blog post (
The attention span of internet users is extremely small, they do not read blogs instead skim through them. Because of this, optimising blog posts to capture users interest is the best way to communicate your message.
- 29% of all marketers plan to reuse their blog (
Repurposing your old content to match the evolving requirements of your readers is essential in providing value. You can market your old blog posts in a variety of ways to attract new traffic to your website, such as posting on social media, and Q&A sites, etc.
- Recommendations made by bloggers have a conversation rate of 61% (
People trust blogs with authority and reputation. Because of this, customers consider popular blogs as a reliable source of information.
- A websites 5 most popular videos get 77% of total engagement (
People will spend most of their time on a website watching the top 5 videos on the site.
- 81% of internet users consider blogs as a reliable source of information (
People looking to make a purchase decision want to read reviews, comparisons, and customer experiences. Blogs are an excellent opportunity to provide this content.
- On average, blogs generate 97% of inbound links for websites (
Without a doubt, blogs are a great way of organic link building. If you write informative blogs, people will link to your content.
- 55% of blog owners regularly check their analytics to identify actionable user behaviour (
Statistics play an essential role in identifying what is working in terms of content. This is why 55% of popular bloggers check their analytics regularly. This helps them gain website traffic insights that help improve their content strategy.
Video Marketing Statistics
- Compared to Text, Videos are 50 Times More Likely to Drive Traffic (
Video content is not only entertaining and the most natural form of content consumption, but there is also relatively less competition making video content easier to rank.
- 70% of B2B Clients Decide to make a Purchase After Watching a Video (
Videos play an essential role in every stage of the buyer’s journey. More than 70% of B2B clients watch a video before making a purchase decision.
- Videos Receive 1200% More Shares than text content (
Videos allow a brand to interact more intimately with its customers. When people are more engaged, they are more likely to engage with the content.
- Video Content will Account for Over 82% of All Online Traffic In 2022 (
In 2016, videos represented 67% of internet traffic. This number is expected to rise to 82% in 2022.
- 58% of Users Abandon a Video Within 90 Seconds (
If left unengaged, users will not spend more than 90 seconds on a video, with only 37% of visitors watching the video to the end. Especially with any video content to do with business, it’s important to get to the point without adding fluff.
- Only 20 percent of users read the accompanying text with videos (
When wanting to engage your user base, it goes without saying the focus is on your video content and not on the descriptive content next to your video – so get editing!
- 64% of Customers are More Likely to Buy a Product After Watching a Video (
Like text-based content, video content needs to be informational and engaging due to the high conversion rate that’s possible with video content.
Website Statistics
- 28% of SMEs Do Not Have An Online Presence (
Despite the huge benefits a website can provide to small to medium businesses, many still don’t have an online presence.
- Ecommerce Grows at 23% Every Year with 51% of Shoppers Preferring to Shop Online (
A large number of retailers are building new websites and doubling down on their eCommerce marketing strategies. In 2022, the global share of eCommerce websites is expected to grow exponentially with more people realising the benefits of online shopping.
PPC/Search Advertising Statistics
- Average Revenue Per Click on Bing Shopping Ads is More than Google Shopping Campaign (
The average revenue for Bing Shopping ads is $4.43, which is higher than Google Shopping Campaigns that stands at $3.58. As Bing is used by fewer people when compared to Google, it results in lower cost-per-click.
- Google Ads Land 65% of Clicks with purchase intent; While Organic Results Receive 35% Clicks (
When it comes to selling products, Google Ads can provide more direct-to-purchase traffic than organic results.
- For Every $1 Spent on Google Ads, most Businesses Obtain a Revenue of $2 (
Although people often avoid ads on any digital platform, these statistics prove that Ads are still very profitable for companies.
- The Top 3 Ranked Paid Ads Account for 41% of Clicks for a Search Term (
With this digital marketing statistics, it’s clear that getting your ads placed among the top 3 is essential for maximising the clicks and traffic to your website.
- Visitors from PPC are 50% more likely to make a Purchase than Organic Visitors (
PPC campaigns and SEO drive different types of traffic. While SEO might drive a large number of visitors, the conversion can be low due to being unable to control what Google shows on the SERPs. With PCC, visitors are 50% more likely to make a purchase because you can control where and when your website is shown to potential customers.
- LinkedIn Paid Ads have Helped 65% of B2B Companies Land a new Client (
LinkedIn is the best social media platform for B2B companies. Linkedin users are more likely to purchase from someone advertising business services or products on this platform than any other.
- Display Advertising Increases Traffic by 300% (
With this digital marketing statistic, we see that advertisements can increase the traffic to the website by 300%. It can help promote the products, services, or boost traffic to a new website.
- Spending on Digital Ad Amounted to $455 Billion In 2021 (
We have known for a while now but this shows how all advertising is shifting towards digital platforms.
Past & Future Trend Analysis
- In 2021, the mobile money industry processed more than $1 trillion in 2021 (
The best time to convert your website to mobile-friendly was 5 years ago. This year, it’s extremely important for your website to be able to cater to mobile devices.
- Image and Voice Search Accounted for 50% of All Searches in 2020 (
With the launch of new search tools such as Google Assistant, Alexa, Siri, and others, the web is moving towards voice search.
- Digital Advertising in the US will Reach $220.93 Billion this Year (
Facebook and Google continue to be the most preferred destination for advertisers accounting for 57% of all spend on mobile devices.
- Programmatic Advertising is expected to hit $100 Billion by 2023 (
With AI and other technologies, insights are becoming increasingly accurate; this is making more and more companies rely on programmatic advertising. Over the next few years, this trend will only grow.
- In 2018 just 2.5% of All Ads in the US were Bought Using Automated Channels (
In 2022, this statistic will grow exponentially, with more ad buyers understanding the power of programmatic advertising.
Fun Facts of Digital Marketing
- Most Facebook users are from India (
There are 329.65 million active users of Facebook from India compared to 179.65 million in the US, 129.85 million in Indonesia, and 116 million from Brazil.
- Every Week 8,000 New LinkedIn Groups are Created (
Facebook and Instagram might be the best place for marketers, but when it comes to business communities, LinkedIn is leading the race.
- Only 8% of Customers Would Use the Online Chat Feature (
Although chat might seem a more ease way to communicate with a company, surprisingly, customers prefer emails with only 8% choosing live chat.
- The Average Professional Sends 40 Emails and Receives 121 in a Day (
Most of the emails sent by a professional are within the same company.
- Tweets with Images Get 150% More Retweets (
Containing an image within your post is appreciated across all social media.
- By 2024, Nearly $646 Billion would be Spent on Digital Ads (
This is roughly the same amount of money that is spent on offline ads.
Wrapping Up
Digital marketing has almost completely replaced traditional forms of marketing. To be a successful business in 2022, you need to leverage the right digital marketing to specifically target and engage with your audience and generate leads.